By Published On: March 29, 20120.5 min readTotal Views: 170Daily Views: 2Categories: History Lists

Presenting at Ignite Boston 9: “History 2.0: Make History – Save History”

Update: March 29: Great turnout tonight.  Nice to meet new folks and see friends from many different technology communities.  The video, with slides, is below.  (Slides only: History 2.0: Make History – Save History.)  Feedback always welcome.

Update: May 4: Selected as a featured presentation by Slideshare.

This talk builds on ideas originally presented April 17, 2010 at Boston BarCamp 5.  Thanks to those who provided early feedback on tonight’s presentation, especially long-time friends and colleagues Victor Brilon and Darius Abbassi, and Janet and Neil Licht, who both understand deeply the challenges faced by small historical societies.

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