By Published On: October 26, 20130.6 min readTotal Views: 198Daily Views: 1Categories: Historic Sites + MuseumsTags: , ,

New research: What families want in a holiday event and what you should include in your ad, web listing, or press release to attract them to your event

In late October we conducted consumer survey research to help historical societies, historic sites, history museums, and other history organizations plan and communicate holiday activities that will attract a crowd.  The report with all of the results is shown below.

It’s available to download, along with holiday campaign materials, in one compressed file on the holiday campaign page.

List your holiday event and use the free materials to promote your holiday events, gifts, and gift memberships.

To read the report online, click on the arrows below the report window and it will pop up full screen.  You can download the report along with free holiday campaign materials from the holiday campaign for history page.

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